Language interpretation is the whole point of the act of reading 阅读行为中关键在于对语言的理解。
The Role of Schema in the Interpretation of Speech Act and its Influence on SLA; In translating activities lingual, contextual, stylistic and cultural schemata should be transferred successfully. 图式对语言行为的理解及第二语言习得的影响在图式翻译过程中要重点进行语言图式、语境图式、文体图式和文化图式的成功传译。
From the judicial interpretation to the draft of the Tort Liability Act: The establishment and improvement of the system of compensation for moral damage 从司法解释到侵权责任法草案:精神损害赔偿制度的建立与完善
In a letter to Robert Gates, US Defense Secretary, Canada said that it "would not want to see an expansive interpretation" of the energy independence and Security Act 2007. 加拿大方面在致美国国防部部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)的信中表示,“不希望看到对”美国2007年《能源独立和安全法案》(energyindependenceandsecurityact)“膨胀的解读”。
Theoretical Interpretation for Ironic Speech Act in Literary Works& A case study of Pride and Prejudice 文学作品中反讽的言语行为理论阐释&以《傲慢与偏见》为例
But you had to choose the most degrading interpretation: he wants to distinguish himself, to act his Greta Garbo part. 但是你偏偏选择了最污辱人的一种解释:他想要出人头地,扮演格雷特、伯引人注目的角色。
Judicial Intervention in Company Autonomy and Policy Measures in the Interpretation of Company Act 司法介入公司自治与公司法解释的政策尺度
Intentionality and Meaning Interpretation: from the Perspective of the Speech Act Theory 意向性与意义理解&从言语行为论的视角看
It thus bears especially vital significance in the judicial practice. In many countries, whether the issues of interpretation can be appealed and the jurisdiction and the trial outcome of appeal court all depend on the nature of interpretation legal act. 确定法律行为解释的性质在司法实践中具有特别重要的意义,它在许多国家直接决定着有关法律行为解释的问题能否上诉、上诉审法院的管辖及上诉审法院的裁判结果。
On account of the defects of statute law, a law needs interpretation when it is to act on the reality. 由于成文法具有一定的缺陷,故而法律需要通过解释才能对现实发生作用,这种解释法律的职能往往为司法机关所承担。
It is concluded in this article that the interpretation and recognition of the speaker's communicative intention often act as a crucial link in the process of politeness evaluations. 解读与识别说话人的交际意图是礼貌评价过程的重要一环。
The interpretation of administrative law is divided into the interpretation of administrative authorization, work and act. 行政法解释分为行政有权解释、行政工作解释和行政行为的解释。
No. 148 of the application interpretation of Civil Procedural Law of the People's Congress by the Supreme People's Court conflicts with No. 26 of Arbitration Act of the People's Congress. 民诉法适用意见第148条与仲裁法第26条存在冲突。
Legal interpretation should be of judge's personal act, however, which is monopolized and wielded by the Supreme People's Court in the light of China's judicial interpretation system. 法律解释应是法官个人的行为,而我国司法解释体制将审判领域的法律解释权垄断于最高人民法院,由最高人民法院统一行使。
Secondly, in the article 6 of the Interpretation, the act scope of conviction of the crime of illegal business operation is hard to define. 二是《解释》第6条中以非法经营罪定罪的行为范围很难确定;
The basic principle of civil law is accepted generally by the scholar as the function of interpretation criterion and law supplemental rule early, but there are different views for whether it can act directly as the basis of judge. 民法基本原则作为解释准则、法律补充规则的功能早已为学者公认,对其能否作为直接裁判依据则存在不同看法。
The Principle that Men Are All Equal Before Criminal Law: A philosophical Interpretation of Article 4 of the Criminal Act 刑法面前人人平等原则&对《刑法》第4条的法理解释
The formation and existence of the principle of preferential interpretation in insurance contract derives from two reasons, one is the fairness principle of civil law, and the other is that the law takes care of the weak party in commercial act specially. 保险合同解释的有利解释原则产生和存在的原因:一是私法的公平原则,二是法律在商事行为中对弱势一方的特殊关照。
Through discussing the connotations of ideal interpretation, the paper states that, in interpreting practice, an interpreter shall not only act as language media or bridge but also play his own essential role. 通过探讨理想口译的内涵,指出译员在口译中既要充当语言媒介或桥梁,又必须扮演好口译者本身的角色;
Meanwhile, interpretation like other oral activities is an act of communication. 同时,口译同其他口头活动一样也是种交流。
Given this situation, the Supreme Court in June 2002 issued the Interpretation Act [ 2002] 16 judicial interpretation, and the people in the trial court applied the practice of "contract law" 286 deals with the Priority of the Contractor Issues explained. 鉴于这种情况,最高人民法院于2002年6月颁布了法释[2002]16号司法解释,对人民法院在审判实践中适用《合同法》286条处理有关承包人优先受偿权的若干问题作了解释。
Through analyzing laws and acts that PRC have been applied in the related range, as well as the draft of judicial interpretation of tort liability act, design the legal provisions of compensation system of emotional distress in this thesis. 本文通过分析我国现行立法及《中华人民共和国侵权责任法司法解释草案建议稿(草案讨论稿)》,对纯粹精神损害制度的具体条文进行了设计。
Interpretation of the content and means of the single, the narrator: assessment and supervision system is not perfect, the make up for these shortcomings, left in the residents 'participation in the interpretation act even more space. 解说的内容与方式比较单一,苗寨对解说员的考核监督体系不完善,通过弥补这些不足,留给苗寨居民参与解说行为的空间会更大。
There are two reasons for the expansion: firstly, the interpretation itself has inherent gaps; secondly, the expansion gains support of the theory of "quasi-administrative act". 产生扩张适用的原因有二:一是因为《行诉法解释》本身存在罅隙,二是因为该扩张得到了准行政行为理论的支撑。
Judge act can be divided into process control, investigation and evidence collection, review of the evidence, fact-finding and interpretation of judge; referee act is divided into adjudication of procedural matters and substance matters. 审理行为可分为程序控制、调查取证、审核判断证据、事实认定和释明行为。裁判行为又分为裁决程序事项和裁判实体争议的行为。
By applying relevance theory to make account of diplomatic fuzzy language interpretation, the thesis concludes that diplomatic fuzzy language interpretation is an act of ostensive-inferential communication. 本文经过对外交模糊语言的翻译进行了关联理论的解释后,认为外交模糊语言的翻译本质上也是交际,进一步说是一个明示-推理的交际过程。
As an interlanguage interpretation, translation is a kind of communicative act in essence. 翻译是一种语际阐释活动,从本质上讲是一种交际行为。
Its effectiveness can be fully testified and verified in text interpretation, in revealing the major theme of a literary work in particular. Among the branches of pragmatics, speech act theory plays a dominant role in literary pragmatics. 它的理论有效性可以在文本中得到充分验证,尤其是在挖掘文学作品的主题时,它的有效性显得更为突出。作为语用学的一个重要分支,言语行为是该学科的主要理论。
The case guiding system can fetch up the deficiency of the normative judicial interpretation, but it has its own connatural shortage. Because of this, it can only act as a kind of informal system& informal source of law. 案例指导可以弥补规范性司法解释的不足,但是它有自己的先天缺陷,只能作为非正式制度,即法律的非正式渊源。
Interpretation as a cross-cultural communicative act, has naturally received attention from scholars in different research fields. 口译作为一种跨文化交际行为,受到来自不同领域研究者的关注。